Monday, 18 July 2011


Life is just like a video game it has different levels, stages, missions, and tasks you must complete before moving on to the next. We start with birth and we must learn to walk and talk basically so we can be independant and communicate. We then move on to the next level which is school where we usually make our first friends and its our first time really being away from home. We begin to learn and bebcome more independant and move up level after level through school. After we finish elementary school we goto highschool. The four levels of highschool are probably the ones that change us the most and the ones we experience the most. After that we are suppose to move on to college or university which is where some people will wander off and skip a level which basically doesnt lead to anything may get by but you never really have a full understanding and never really achieve your full potential which is just like video games again if you skip a level you never really finish the game 100 percent or get a full understanding of why everything happened the way it did or what exactly you should be doing. After you finish college or university you goto the next level which is finding a job and becoming a real adult doing what everyone who skipped the college university level is already doing but most likely with alot more success and happiness. The next step or significant step would be starting your own family a wife kids and so on which personally is the part im most looking forward to or was. Basically this is a long level your here for awhile nothing much really changes. The last level would be retirement where you go back to being a kid in the sense that you dont have much responsibility and you dont have much expectations anymore your for the most part free to do as you please. Now when you look at life like this as stages and levels it looks so easy so short so normal. Yet so many people seem to screw it up, they skip levels, they leave it unfinished, they lose the path they should be following. While your living life it seems to be so long and so confusing and hard you cant wait to try the next level but it always seems to far away and so hard to achieve. If life was only as a video game or its broken down play book like i have just described im sure more people would complete it the way it should be done. In real life though we have so many problems to over come and so many things we need to move on to the next level whether its money or family, health or not realizing how important one step is to get to the next one. It makes me wonder if people looking at life this way as levels and as a game would see it differently see it in a new light and feel more comfortable and have an easier time moving forward and completing life as it should be. I for one have made my mistakes missed stages and done things the wrong way whether it was due to things outside of my control or my own stupidity however i am one of the few people who is willing to go back and complete what i have not and do things right because i dont want to suffer or struggle in life the way i have seen to many people do and i dont want to be one of those people that you look at and say " what happened to him he had so much potential he was such a smart guy he could have really gone places. " Life as they say is only as hard as you make it and its true whether its financial problems or family problems or if you didnt finish school or do well enough in school to move on to the next level of school...if you really look back on it its no ones fault but your own whether you choose to admit it or see it that is the truth. Moral of the story is as hard as life seems its really not and we can all finish it if we choose to and trust me you dont want to skip any levels because the only thing you cheat is your self.

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