This is just a compilation of the stupidity and randomness that is my head
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Clubbing girls...
Clubbing is very popular especially with the i guess 18-22 year olds. It seems to die down with maturity but not always. One thing i have learned in life is you never want to date a clubber chick. Im talking about one of those girls who spends every weekend at a club getting drunk and sloppy. One of the most popular places for men to pick up chicks is a club why because its easy to hook up with a chick at a club. Every where you look there are strangers that just met making out like they are about to have sex in the corner. Clubber chicks are all over the place and cant be trusted they goto the clubs for the attention from the guys no matter what they say. They will cheat on theyre boyfriend and love to use the "i was drunk" line as if thats an excuse. Remember that chick you made out with last weekend at the club...well there probably was some poor bastard sitting at home waiting for her to call him to say goodnight while she was to busy rubbing up against you. If you want a good girl the club is not the place to meet one you need to surround yourself with people that have goals and direction in life. Goto a book story or something and find a chick there dont go out looking for that sloppy mess who youll probably find passed out on the street a couple hours after you made out with her like a bum. Bitches be crazy
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Why men dont get called whores for sleeping around....
Youll always hear women asking " why is it ok for you guys to sleep around but when a woman does it shes a whore " Well there is a very simple explanation to this. The reason is men have to work at it women dont. If a man wants to sleep with a women he has to get her interest, impress her and become something shes not only attracted to physically but emotionally. Men cant just go up to a woman and say hey do you want to have sex....i mean we could but we would probably get slapped in the face and or turned down. A woman on the other hand especially a good looking one could walk up to any guy and straight up ask him if he wants to have sex and the guy is not going to turn her down its that easy for them. Women control theyre own sex lives and basically mens as well so when we get to sleep with a woman it took some work so be proud of us we tried really hard to get your sister, friend, cousin, or mother out of her tnas. When you dont have to work for your money because someone else just buys you everything and gives it to you your spoiled but when you work for your money you deserve the things you buy and appreciate them more....same goes for sex we work for it but women dont have to therefore the women who take advantage of this get called whores live with it.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Best Weekends
I find that the best weekends are the ones planned last minute, the ones where you wake up each day and just decide on the spot what to do and do it with no second guessing. No matter how much you plan a weekend or event it never seems as good as those spontaneous plans. I dont know if its because when you plan it ahead of time you hype it up in your mind or maybe because when something is planned there is always chance for a let down or something to go wrong. All i know is that when you have the urge to do something you should do it because it usually leads to something good even if it doesnt go exactly how you thought it would youll always end up with a great story to tell everyone later on.
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