Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Clubbing girls...

Clubbing is very popular especially with the i guess 18-22 year olds. It seems to die down with maturity but not always. One thing i have learned in life is you never want to date a clubber chick. Im talking about one of those girls who spends every weekend at a club getting drunk and sloppy. One of the most popular places for men to pick up chicks is a club why because its easy to hook up with a chick at a club. Every where you look  there are strangers that just met making out like they are about to have sex in the corner. Clubber chicks are all over the place and cant be trusted they goto the clubs for the attention from the guys no matter what they say. They will cheat on theyre boyfriend and love to use the "i was drunk" line as if thats an excuse. Remember that chick you made out with last weekend at the club...well there probably was some poor bastard sitting at home waiting for her to call him to say goodnight while she was to busy rubbing up against you. If you want a good girl the club is not the place to meet one you need to surround yourself with people that have goals and direction in life. Goto a book story or something and find a chick there dont go out looking for that sloppy mess who youll probably find passed out on the street a couple hours after you made out with her like a bum. Bitches be crazy

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