Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Clubbing girls...

Clubbing is very popular especially with the i guess 18-22 year olds. It seems to die down with maturity but not always. One thing i have learned in life is you never want to date a clubber chick. Im talking about one of those girls who spends every weekend at a club getting drunk and sloppy. One of the most popular places for men to pick up chicks is a club why because its easy to hook up with a chick at a club. Every where you look  there are strangers that just met making out like they are about to have sex in the corner. Clubber chicks are all over the place and cant be trusted they goto the clubs for the attention from the guys no matter what they say. They will cheat on theyre boyfriend and love to use the "i was drunk" line as if thats an excuse. Remember that chick you made out with last weekend at the club...well there probably was some poor bastard sitting at home waiting for her to call him to say goodnight while she was to busy rubbing up against you. If you want a good girl the club is not the place to meet one you need to surround yourself with people that have goals and direction in life. Goto a book story or something and find a chick there dont go out looking for that sloppy mess who youll probably find passed out on the street a couple hours after you made out with her like a bum. Bitches be crazy

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Why men dont get called whores for sleeping around....

Youll always hear women asking " why is it ok for you guys to sleep around but when a woman does it shes a whore " Well there is a very simple explanation to this. The reason is men have to work at it women dont. If a man wants to sleep with a women he has to get her interest, impress her and become something shes not only attracted to physically but emotionally. Men cant just go up to a woman and say hey do you want to have sex....i mean we could but we would probably get slapped in the face and or turned down. A woman on the other hand especially a good looking one could walk up to any guy and straight up ask him if he wants to have sex and the guy is not going to turn her down its that easy for them. Women control theyre own sex lives and basically mens as well so when we get to sleep with a woman it took some work so be proud of us we tried really hard to get your sister, friend, cousin, or mother out of her tnas. When you dont have to work for your money because someone else just buys you everything and gives it to you your spoiled but when you work for your money you deserve the things you buy and appreciate them more....same goes for sex we work for it but women dont have to therefore the women who take advantage of this get called whores live with it.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Best Weekends

I find that the best weekends are the ones planned last minute, the ones where you wake up each day and just decide on the spot what to do and do it with no second guessing. No matter how much you plan a weekend or event it never seems as good as those spontaneous plans. I dont know if its because when you plan it ahead of time you hype it up in your mind or maybe because when something is planned there is always chance for a let down or something to go wrong. All i know is that when you have the urge to do something you should do it because it usually leads to something good even if it doesnt go exactly how you thought it would youll always end up with a great story to tell everyone later on.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Good people....Bad things

Ill never truly understand why bad things happen to good people it just doesnt make sense to punish the people who try and do right. It always seems like the people you look at and wonder how they can be sucha shitty person are doing so well or have the good life. Think back to high school all those douche bags, pricks, the people who gave everyone a hard time all through school always seemed to be popular, they all had parents with money, cottages, nice cars, and seem to some how get all the girls. It seems to be like this all through life whether its the boss you hate who treats all the employees like dirt but has the huge house, ferrari, and smoke show wife yet your stuck working for him because you cant even find a better job although you try so hard to be a good person. So this leaves the question why do bad things happen to good people ? I dont really think anyone has the answer to this. I understand it is necessary to have good and bad in life to balance you out and keep you grounded i just hate when i see a good person struggling through life because you knows it not fair then you look over and there is that person who takes advantage of everything they have and are just not good people and you know they dont deserve it and you have to wonder why they have it so good. I guess its just one of those mysteries and answers that will forever go unanswered.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Sex and Cars !

Is there anything better in this world ? I mean really good sex and nice cars.....i dont even think you can argue that at least not if your a guy. Just imagine having your dream car and a sexy chick to have great sex with....what else could you ask for. Hell imagine having sex with your dream girl in your dream car wouldnt that be mind blowing. I even know every car i would own if i won the lottery and believe me there is alot of them. No i wouldnt own some civic all done up no matter how much money i had or even if it was my only option im talking about real cars with real power ones that you push the gas and the sound alone makes you go from 6 to 12 faster then the sexy lady sitting beside you. Im talking about the kinda car that throws you back in your seat and scares the shit out of you. Im talkin about the kind of car that when you pull up or drive by everyone looks and wishes they had your car. Im talking about lambos, ferraries, audis, rolls royces, maseratis, bentleys, and aston martins. Oh what i would give to just drive some of those cars for a day. Now back to the women. Think Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Rosie Huntington, and Mila Kunis. Yes i know there are girls youll see in real life that are just as hot and maybe even hotter although rare but i dont know there names and neither do you so i need examples. Just imagine like youve done so many times before dating and banging one of those chicks again not much i wouldnt do to just have one night with any of them. Now if you take both hot car and hot chick mix them together and you have a lethal unbeatable combination that any man would do almost anything for because there is nothing better. My life would revolve around my Jessica Ferrarie, Megan Audi, Rosie Bentley, and Mila Aston Martin. Ohh what a life that would be.

Love Vs In Love

I read something recently that sparked this topic. It basically said people in relationships whether its marriage or just dating especially women would use the line " I love him but im not in love with him " to justify cheating or basically anything they know they shouldnt be doing while in a relationship. This leaves me wondering what the different really is between loving someone and being in love with someone.I mean i know there is a difference i love my friends but im not in love with them whatever that means i just know it be really weird if i was or said i was in love with one of my friends. If you look up " in love " youll find alot of people say in love would be to almost focus your life around someone and to almost be over come with emotion for a person where as love itself is just a general fondness and appreciation for someone and someone you would probably go out fo your way to do something for but not someone you would plan your whole week around just to see them or sit there day dreaming about seeing them again. When you look at both of these definitions yes they are different however its not something that should make you feel ok with cheating....if you love someone even if your not in love you should still care about them and not want to do anything to hurt them and cheating is probably one of the worst things you could do to someone. Im not even quite sure why we feel the need to commit to someone in the first place i mean we are surround by friends family co workers and so on to keep us busy and to love and love us so why do we need to be in a relationship at all. Is it because we were raised with the idea that we are here to get married and find that special person, is it because we see it all around us from our parents and other family members, or is it because it really is the right thing to do and what we were made for meaning there is that one special person out there for all of us. All i know is that if you are willing to cheat on someone whether your in love with them or just love them you should just end it before you do because clearly that person is not the right person and you are not ready for a relationship so if you really care about that person like you think or say you do then do them a favor and end it. Bitches be crazy !

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The weather

I hate it how in the winter everyone complains about how cold it is and says they cant wait til summer so they can go out side in the hot summer sun but once its hot they complain that its to cant complain about both i mean the weather is never gonna be perfect all the time and i personally will take a heat wave over a cold day anytime. I know its extremely hot outside almost unbearable but think about how much worse it is freezing your balls off in the winter i mean i dont even want to leave my house for anything in the winter i hate being cold with a passion. So please people stop complaining about the heat because i know im going to hear you when winter comes talking about how you miss the heat and wish it was summer again so get over it and go outside and enjoy it while it lasts because it going to be gone real soon.

Monday, 18 July 2011


Life is just like a video game it has different levels, stages, missions, and tasks you must complete before moving on to the next. We start with birth and we must learn to walk and talk basically so we can be independant and communicate. We then move on to the next level which is school where we usually make our first friends and its our first time really being away from home. We begin to learn and bebcome more independant and move up level after level through school. After we finish elementary school we goto highschool. The four levels of highschool are probably the ones that change us the most and the ones we experience the most. After that we are suppose to move on to college or university which is where some people will wander off and skip a level which basically doesnt lead to anything may get by but you never really have a full understanding and never really achieve your full potential which is just like video games again if you skip a level you never really finish the game 100 percent or get a full understanding of why everything happened the way it did or what exactly you should be doing. After you finish college or university you goto the next level which is finding a job and becoming a real adult doing what everyone who skipped the college university level is already doing but most likely with alot more success and happiness. The next step or significant step would be starting your own family a wife kids and so on which personally is the part im most looking forward to or was. Basically this is a long level your here for awhile nothing much really changes. The last level would be retirement where you go back to being a kid in the sense that you dont have much responsibility and you dont have much expectations anymore your for the most part free to do as you please. Now when you look at life like this as stages and levels it looks so easy so short so normal. Yet so many people seem to screw it up, they skip levels, they leave it unfinished, they lose the path they should be following. While your living life it seems to be so long and so confusing and hard you cant wait to try the next level but it always seems to far away and so hard to achieve. If life was only as a video game or its broken down play book like i have just described im sure more people would complete it the way it should be done. In real life though we have so many problems to over come and so many things we need to move on to the next level whether its money or family, health or not realizing how important one step is to get to the next one. It makes me wonder if people looking at life this way as levels and as a game would see it differently see it in a new light and feel more comfortable and have an easier time moving forward and completing life as it should be. I for one have made my mistakes missed stages and done things the wrong way whether it was due to things outside of my control or my own stupidity however i am one of the few people who is willing to go back and complete what i have not and do things right because i dont want to suffer or struggle in life the way i have seen to many people do and i dont want to be one of those people that you look at and say " what happened to him he had so much potential he was such a smart guy he could have really gone places. " Life as they say is only as hard as you make it and its true whether its financial problems or family problems or if you didnt finish school or do well enough in school to move on to the next level of school...if you really look back on it its no ones fault but your own whether you choose to admit it or see it that is the truth. Moral of the story is as hard as life seems its really not and we can all finish it if we choose to and trust me you dont want to skip any levels because the only thing you cheat is your self.

Friday, 15 July 2011


I always hear women saying men are cheaters, whores, sluts, dirty, and so on and yeah we may be all of those things at times but in my experience it seems to be women who fall under all those categories and more alot more often then us men. Im a guy so i hang around guys all the time and i hear all the stories and see all the things they do when they are out whether they are single or in a relationship. One thing i have noticed especially in the past little while is women seem to be far less loyal then men now a days. Iv seen married women and or women in relationships hooking up with guys just like me....actually also including me. Iv had wives, brides to be, girlfriends and so on kiss me flirt with me and make moves on me and go right for home with me and iv seen it happen alot with my friends as well. Out of the guys i know i think only one or two of them have ever or would ever cheat on someone they are with, yet its starting to look like basically all women in any situation are willing to give it up to anyone. Seeing this and experiencing this has made me second guess relationships and marriage all together. I was always a relationship guy and always wanted to get married and now i just dont know. Im not really willing to let some woman take advantage of me or go behind my back like this and go through that whole experience that stuff destroys people and i just dont know if women can be trust now a days. Before anyone says well they were probably drunk thats not a fucking excuse...i dont go off and do things i dont want to do sober when im drunk...i find it easier to do things when im drunk but i dont become retarded and forget my values or forget my girlfriend its like sayin oh its ok he killed that guy because he was drunk he didnt know what he was doing....really ? I guess there is always time for this outlook on women to change again but right now its not looking good.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Ill never understand how someone can be so fucked up that they would follow scientology...i mean i consider myself catholic but i cant stand those people who are so into whatever religion even if its my own religion. I hate religious extremist they are so closed minded about everything outside of what religion says. However nothing makes less sense to me or seems more retarded then scientology. How can you be a part of something so idiotic. I mean really it was created by a scienfiction author should that not be a red flag to people right there ? I  mean to me it screams " this isnt real " do people not see that a guy who wrote books about fake shit just wrote a book about a fake religion. You have to pay to be apart of it again does that not scream " scam " how fucking stupid are these people. I know all religion is based off books and people that none of us have seen or probably ever will and they could all be fake but at least these religions have been around long before any of our family members and dont make you pay to be a part of them. Scientology was created in 1952 my grandparents were already about 20 years old when it was created. There is no history with this so called religion some guy just had a great idea to make a shit load of money one night and wrote up this non sense and a bunch of useless cunt scabs started following it and hemorrhaging money into making more people believe in this crap. All in all i just dont understand how people dont see through the bullshit i mean its right there not very well hidden so how fucking stupid are you people ?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Everytime I see a gay man or better yet hear a gay man Im left wondering why they talk like 12 year old girls....I mean I know all of them dont talk like that but why the hell do any of them ? You guys were born men right I mean you have the same kind of vocal cords the rest of us men do right....Homo is not an accent so stop making it into one it doesnt make any sense and you sound like a fucking retard so save us all the annoyance and talk like a man for once like the man you use to sound like before you start putting cock in your mouth...its the least you can do. The only explanation for this is maybe sucking dick damages your vocal cords ? Hmmm I guess Ill have to ask the next chick I pick up when Im out cunting...