Thursday 28 July 2011

Good people....Bad things

Ill never truly understand why bad things happen to good people it just doesnt make sense to punish the people who try and do right. It always seems like the people you look at and wonder how they can be sucha shitty person are doing so well or have the good life. Think back to high school all those douche bags, pricks, the people who gave everyone a hard time all through school always seemed to be popular, they all had parents with money, cottages, nice cars, and seem to some how get all the girls. It seems to be like this all through life whether its the boss you hate who treats all the employees like dirt but has the huge house, ferrari, and smoke show wife yet your stuck working for him because you cant even find a better job although you try so hard to be a good person. So this leaves the question why do bad things happen to good people ? I dont really think anyone has the answer to this. I understand it is necessary to have good and bad in life to balance you out and keep you grounded i just hate when i see a good person struggling through life because you knows it not fair then you look over and there is that person who takes advantage of everything they have and are just not good people and you know they dont deserve it and you have to wonder why they have it so good. I guess its just one of those mysteries and answers that will forever go unanswered.

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